A Spotlight on Creativity and Passion
At Book Ecke, we believe every author’s journey is unique and worth celebrating. As part of our “Inspiring Authors of 2024” series, we spotlight indie authors whose stories inspire and provoke thought while captivating readers worldwide.
Today, we’re thrilled to feature Sabina Millar, author of The Story of M. Her journey and reflections offer valuable insights into the world of indie publishing.

1. Tell us a little about your journey to becoming an indie author. What inspired you to take this path?
“I’ve always been a writer, and telling stories is a great way to express all my ideas on the page. Becoming an indie author happened by chance and felt like the right thing to do at the time.”
2. What is the central theme or message of your (latest) book, and what inspired you to write it?

“That people can often confuse lust with love and that it’s important not to spend years chasing someone who won’t commit to you. I suppose inspiration came from multiple sources, friends, and personal experiences. I had a lot of fun writing about the discourse between Kate and her sister and how that carried into her relationship with M. The characters are based on very real people I’ve met throughout my life.”
3. Indie publishing can be challenging. What has been your biggest hurdle, and how did you overcome it?
“I chose a hybrid publishing option, and I think the biggest hurdle was that despite years of researching and planning, nothing prepares you for the stress of launching, marketing, and selling your own book. I would not choose the hybrid route again.”
4. What does your creative process look like? Do you follow any rituals or routines when writing?
“When I’m inspired to write, I write. There is no ritual or routine; it’s messy and creative and all over the map. I refine the process when my final drafts are completed, then print, redline, edit, and do it all over again until the final product is ready for review.”
5. Who or what has been the most significant influence on your writing style and storytelling?
“Life! Every experience I’ve ever had.”
6. Many aspiring authors hesitate to self-publish. What advice would you give to someone considering the indie route?
“I also hesitated to self-publish, which was why I went to Friesen Press. I felt I didn’t know enough about publishing and believed I could learn the ins and outs of publishing by choosing that route. Publishing a book costs money. Whether a publisher invests in you and assumes the risk or you do, it costs money. My advice to anyone is to write, write, and write, then get public opinion of your work, accept the criticism, and work hard. Don’t give up on the process or yourself. It doesn’t matter if you self-publish or not. You need a marketing plan along with your writing plan.”
7. What has been your most rewarding moment as an indie author so far?
“Holding my published book in my hand was the best experience.”
8. How do you connect with your audience? Any tips for effective book marketing?
“It’s still a work in progress! But the best has been the private messages from people who read my book and connected with it, the ones who maybe didn’t like the characters and got invested in it enough to reach out to me to discuss it. There isn’t an easy way to market a book. Either people like it or they don’t!”
9. Are there any upcoming projects or works you’d like to share with your readers?
“I have a few books in the works, but I took a little break while I focused on life. I’m not sure I will have another book published this year.”
10. What is one piece of advice you wish you had known before starting your writing journey?
“Nothing really, other than you need to be flexible, don’t take everything personally, and enjoy what you do!”
Sabina Millar’s journey as an indie author is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. Her reflections on life, writing, and navigating the publishing world are a source of inspiration for aspiring authors. We look forward to seeing what stories she brings to life next!